Festival organizers:
• Russian Art photographers Union;
• Organization Committee of Suzdal International Photo-festival.
With the support of:
• Culture and tourism department of the Vladimir administration;
• Vladimir - Suzdal Museum;
• Hotel complex Pushkarskaya sloboda.
Within the festival framework there will be held:
• master classes of jury members, trainers, art critics;
• presentations of eminent persons in photographic sphere such as: Svetlana Pozharskaya, Vladimir Vyatkin, Sergey Borisov, Nikolay Kulebyakin, Sergey Skuratov and other masters;
• round table discussion with jury members, focused on the results of the contest and modern creative photography development trends in the country and in the world;
• well known photographers will make a portfolio review for the festival participants;
• team shooting under leadership of trainers with the results analysis;
• blitz-contest for all the festival participants on the subject, specified by organizers;
• modern style exhibitions;
• the two-hour seminar on the modern photo printing technique.
Themes of the seminar:
• review of professional materials for ink jet printing;
• WUNDERBARS subframes use for fast and easy canvas stretching;
• review of INSTAX instant printing cameras;
• instant printing capacity: in the field, in the hotel or in the trading center;
• photo-stands with integrated printers, included in the network/on-line solution;
• quick photo - products production such as calendars, cards, photo-books;
• business solution: photo-books instant production;
• FrontierDL600, Frontier 5700R mini photo laboratories.
All educational programs participants will be rewarded with diplomas and special souvenirs. Guests of the festival will have a chance to learn about the modern photo print technology and to watch clips and presentations for the cases. There will be an opportunity for everybody to find new business solutions.
Absolutely any person will be able to visit exhibitions of the Photo-festival free, to watch entertaining programs, to communicate with other guests and photo-artists.
As many guests from different regions and countries are invited for this festival, there will be special offers for accommodation in Suzdal hotels.
All further details you can find on the official website of the festival (suzdal-fest.ru) and on official pages in social networks (VK, Facebook).
Why Suzdal became a place of this event?
Nowadays representatives of photo-sphere go beyond the usual ways of holding specialized thematic activities and exhibitions. The photo-festival will be held not in a mega city, not in the exhibition center, but in the museum-town under the open sky.
Suzdal International Photo-festival is going to become the annual event in photographic community. And this town is supposed to become a central place in Russia for organization of such events for photographers-amateurs and professionals.
E-mail: info@suzdal-fest.ru
Phone: +7 920 903 58 71